Who We Are

Treat your endo cannabinoid system with the love it deserves. Our goal is to empower both consumers and retailers with the knowledge needed to make educated choices in the emerging cannabis market. Don’t get blinded by the smoke being blown by the numerous brands.

Vaporific is firmly rooted in minimalism, and we abide by the saying “less is more”. With an awareness towards a world that is over-saturated with low quality products, we’ve curated our hardware lineup with a focus on quality and performance.

Whether you’re an industry veteran or new to the entire experience, we offer a tailored customer journey and provide the information needed to make informed decisions.

Vaporific is Canada’s leading distributor of premium brands in the evolving space of consumption hardware, processing, and experiential products. Have a question you can’t find the answer to? Don’t hesitate to contact us, our team is ready to help.


Customer Service and Partner Commitment

Customer service is at the core of our values, we’re not happy unless you’re happy. We will go the extra mile to make you smile.






1. producing, causing, or tending to produce vapour

2. of, concerned with, or having the nature of vapour

3. tending to become vapour; exhaling in a volatile form